The 12 disciples of Jesus Christ are often spoken of but we hardly know their history. In this blog I would try to explore their history. Verse no. 52 of Sura Al Imran states:
When Jesus sensed disbelief from his people, he asked, “Who will stand up with me for Allah?” The disciples replied, “We will stand up for Allah. We believe in Allah, so bear witness that we have submitted.”

Disciples were the followers of Jesus who had magnificent character, when they would meet someone they would prove great source of inspiration for them too. Holy Quran uses the word ‘hawariyon’ for them which means pure white. According to Imam Raza, the disciple were the people who were in profession of laundry. The way they would wash away dirt from clothes, Allah Almighty washed dirt from their hearts and blessed them with pure hearts. Allama Syed Riaz Hussain Shah writes in Tafseer Tabsra that disciples were the people who in the company of Jesus were living a pious life and were source of imparting purity of heart and mind to the people they interacted with.

Tabrasi writes in Majam ul Bayan that when disciples of Jesus would travel they would get food whenever they would feel the need of. Disciples would feel that they are the privileged people as they get food miraculously. To which Jesus replied that people who work for their living and earn their bread are more privileged.

Tafseer Tabsra offers four possible explanation for the history of disciples with reference to Tafseer kabir of Imam Razi. First explanation is that the disciples were fisher whom were invited by Jesus towards the religion of Allah and after seeing miracles of Jesus they became followers of Jesus. Second explanation is that dyer with whom Jesus was working saw miracle of Jesus in dying all clothes together but with different colors became follower of Jesus. Third explanation goes with the belief that they were 12 people in the company of Jesus who would get food miraculously whenever they would feel hungry. Fourth explanation is king and his elite courtiers becoming followers of Jesus after they saw miracle of Jesus bowl maintaining same level of food even after use.

It is also believed that disciples belonged to different fields of life but when they became followers of Jesus so they were called disciples of Jesus.
According to the Bible names of the 12 disciples are Simon who is also called Peter; Simon’s brother Andrew; James; John; Philip; Bartholomew; Thomas; Mathew; James son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus; Simon the zealot and Judas Iscariot (he betrayed Jesus)
May Allah bless us all with true understanding of Holy Quran.